
8.Japanese government's measures for decreasing NEET

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare:Young Hello Work, Local Young people Support Station, reinforcement of human power for young people project, after-school to become independence.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:Job cafe

The ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:career education

Now, there are 110 Job Cafe in japan.
Job Cafe is a thing of the purpose, related to employment promotion and the improvement of the young State of each Ministry, workplace experience and job placement and employment services center. Youth Employment Center said.And young people in “ from age 15 to 39 years ” is a. However, each region depending on age group, area until 15 to 34 years old. Initiatives tailored to regional circumstances about the contents of the service, has been made.
Positioned in the core measures ( was promoting mainly new komeito ) "youth independence and challenge plan" developed by the country in 2003, 2004, than each opened in the State .
Fit local circumstances, providing information, counselling , training and job placement, etc, to build a new model for the activities conducted.

↑Yong people learning business manners in Job Cafe

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