
10.At the end

Related books

  •  ' NEET — rather than a freeter, not even unemployed " gentosha , 7/2004.

  • Tamaki Saito"believers,"lost"— neat and withdrawal society '  Chuokoron-shinsha , 4/10/2005.

  • Futagami resolution based on'message from the neat scene of hope', Toyo Keizai Inc., 5/13/2005.
    • Shinchosha paperback edition paperback, 3/28/2009.

  • Yuki Honda Quaternary , Naito Asao  co-authored 'Don't say you are "neat"! '( light Kobunsha shinsho  ) Kobunsha, 1/17/2006.

  • If you are interested in NEET, please try to read these books.
    Thank you for reading such a poor blog.

    9. Tnings which only actual NEET can understand.

    This opinions are written in the Internet.
    How they feel about theirselves?

    Today I forget even the day of the week

    Constant guilt , Nothing abnormal anxiety of not doing things
    And nevertheless decide to become death stress

    Sufficient food 1 day  Because I don't move.

     On the futon and bed is the home position

    Parents that weekend is a pain

    No cell phone is required

    Tension in the shopping

    Their is no longer sure what human  I am.

    Bothered to even go to Hello Work.

    Insanely fast flow of time

    Not sure spent until yesterday

    Scared out of the room
    Boasting misfortune become good

    There are many kinds of opinion.
    But all of them are negative.
    It can be said that NEET aren't comfortable to live and suffer from anxiety that they don't work now.

    8.Japanese government's measures for decreasing NEET

    The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare:Young Hello Work, Local Young people Support Station, reinforcement of human power for young people project, after-school to become independence.

    The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:Job cafe

    The ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:career education

    Now, there are 110 Job Cafe in japan.
    Job Cafe is a thing of the purpose, related to employment promotion and the improvement of the young State of each Ministry, workplace experience and job placement and employment services center. Youth Employment Center said.And young people in “ from age 15 to 39 years ” is a. However, each region depending on age group, area until 15 to 34 years old. Initiatives tailored to regional circumstances about the contents of the service, has been made.
    Positioned in the core measures ( was promoting mainly new komeito ) "youth independence and challenge plan" developed by the country in 2003, 2004, than each opened in the State .
    Fit local circumstances, providing information, counselling , training and job placement, etc, to build a new model for the activities conducted.

    ↑Yong people learning business manners in Job Cafe


    7.A new word "leibul"(an abbreviation of late bloomer)

    This word was created to take the place of the word "NEET".
    "NEET" doesn't have good image, so Japanese government  is urging people to use this word though it hasn't infiltrated yet.
    On the contrary, many people criticize this idea because it's no use to just change other term. They also say the government should tackle problems of employment more seriously.

    These are pictures of  young people who are applicable to "leibul" .
    They coldn't do their best in job hunting and protest against Japanese government's  policy, carry out a mass demonstration.

    6.How general public thinks about NEET?

    People don't have good image for NEET.
    Some of them think NEET  is a factor of social problem like crimes, decrease in economical competitive,and medical problem for old people because of decreasing  in levied taxes.
    Before the word "NEET" appears, they were called "Parasite" or "Hikikomori" neither of which have good images.
    So most of people feel that it's shameful for them to become NEET and there is a tendency that NEET have to live, feeling small.