
5. NEET's mentality

What NEET think about theirselves?

. .: : : : : : : : :: :::: :: :: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
. . : : : :: : : :: : ::: :: : :::: :: ::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ゆうすけ君、 働いてるの?
. . .... ..: : :: :: ::: :::::: :::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ゆうすけ君、彼女はいるの?
Λ_Λ . . . .: : : ::: : :: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ゆうすけ君、 そろそろ結婚は?
/:彡ミ゛ヽ;)ー、 . . .: : : :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ゆうすけ君、もういい年なんだから
/ :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、 ::i . .:: :.: ::: . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ゆうすけ君、親はいつまでも元気じゃないよ
/ :::/;;:   ヽ ヽ ::l . :. :. .:: : :: :: :::::::: : :::::::::::::::: ゆうすけ君を甘やかしすぎなんじゃない
 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
↑Yusuke, are you working?
  Yusuke, do you have girlfriend?
  Yusuke, don't you get married?
  Yusuke, you old enough,
Yusuke, your parents won't be fine forever,
I think they pampere you too much.

/⌒  ⌒\
/( ●)  (●)\     
/::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \
|     |r┬-|     |   ゆうすけおじちゃんは何のお仕事してるの?
\      `ー'´     /
/` ‐- __ - ‐‐ ´ \
/ .l        _,,ヽ ___ 〉、
| l       / ,' 3 `ヽーっ
ヒト- _    l   ⊃ ⌒_つ
.   !__   ̄, ̄ `'ー-┬‐'''''"
L  ̄7┘l-─┬┘
ノ  ̄/  .! ̄ ヽ
└‐ '´   ` -┘
↑Uncle Yusuke, what's your job?

∧_∧       ∧_∧
( 現実)      (; ' A` )
三 (  つ つ     (つ   ,ノつ
三 人 ヽノ      / ゝ 〉
(__(__)     (_(__)

∧_∧     ∧_∧
(;Д⊂彡  三  Reality  )
⊂    ノ  三G(   こつ
人  Y    三(_,\ \
し (_)        三___)

∧_∧     .   .    ∧_∧
( フReality)フ   ::∧_∧: ⊂(Reality ,)
(    )ノ    :( ∩∩ ).   \    )
/ / /     ::(´ ノ ノ::     ( (  |
(_)_)     ::( ̄__)__)::     し(_)

.  /   (^ν^ )  ちょw 笑わせんなw
/    /    \  コーヒー吹いたじゃねえかw      | |35歳 | |   今日もクソスレ立てまくるぞw ___/ ./無職 .| |___
//   //

.   |'ー`)し   ゆうちゃん、今年はお仕事見つかるといいね・・・
.   と ノ
.  | /___
.  /   (^  )彡  !?
/    /    \
/ |    , / ))
____/ /| _/ /___

.   |
.  |彡サッ
.  |__
/  (    )  勝手に入ってくんなよ!ババア!殺すぞ!!
/    γ⌒\
7``)  / /  \
.`ヽヽ / X  ミ ヽ
ヽ___ノミ\   \
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
↑1.Don't make me laugh. I couldn't help bursting out my coffee.Well, today I'm going to play with Internet as usual.
  2.Yusuke, I wish you will able to get a job this year...
  3.Don't  enter my room! Hag! I'll kill you!!

/ ◎ \        / ◎ \  .O―~,<br>
ヽニニニノ       ヽニニニノ   . || 鬱':|<br>
|(●) (●)      /(●) (●)\ ||―~'<br>
/ノ| (__人__) |   /^):::⌒(__人__)⌒:: ヽ<br>
/^/ .|  `⌒´ |   / / |    `⌒´    |<br>
(  ' ̄ ヽ   _/ヽ (  ' ̄\      _/<br>
 ̄ ̄| = V // | |   ̄ ̄| = ̄ //  | |<br>
|   // | |     |   //   | |<br>

↑ Today, our house was as usual !

These imges are called AA, and show the actual situation of working.
Most of them were created by real NEET, so these images are credible in a sense.


4.images of NEET in Japan

NEET is current topic in japan.
Most of Japanese people have interest.
On the internet, a lot of  images which satirize Japanese NEET  have been created.
Let me introduce some of them.
It's very interesting.They grasp the features of NEET.
People around the boy "NEET!!NEET!!"   The boy"E...everyone, I will work hard .So please calm down."
CCO:"Labor is a duty for adult. "
Kenshin:"I don't want to work even if it's a duty."

Kenshin:"I don' t want to work!!! I'll never work!!!"
Duke:"Sure enough, NEET is fun!!"
Who said that you had to work? 
No...I don't want to work.

Kakarotto"Listen Cici, I think working means a defeat. I don't want to lose!!"
Cici"...How great of you to say like that.That is really... NEET."

NEET must make ultimate choise.Working or death by starvation.

NEET  refuse working like mountains,
NEET criticize intensively like fire,
NEET shut theirselves  up in their own room like woods,
NEET escape like wind.

Let me consider what these images show.
These images satirize behaviors of NEET.It means that most of Japanese look down on them.
NEET are not accepted in our society.
Some NEET understand it and create pictures like that which mock theirselves.
Images of NEET are weak-kneed, lazy, nuisance and so on.
However , we mustn't forget current Japanese society is in an economic depression and it's hard to find jobs.There are many people who seek jobs but can't find.

3.Japanese typical NEET

Most of Japanese NEET stay indoors and escape from building hunan relations and living anormal life as a member of society.
In Japan, people who called "net cafe  refugees" are existent and it's became social problem in this country.

1. What is NEET?

The word NEET means not in Education, Employment or Training.
In Japan , young people , whose ages are from 15 to 34, have no jobs are called NEET.
NEET is different from job-hopping part-time wokers and people who are out of work.
They have the will to work, but people who are called NEET don`t have it.


2. the history of Japanese NEET

The number of NEET increased remarkably in 2002.
From 1993 to 2001, the number of NEET in Japan were no more than 49 millions.
In 2002, however, the number of NEET has reached 64millions.
It is because married people who don't do housework and students who refuse to attend school has begun to be included in the definition of NEET in Japan since 2002.
Most of  their final academic background  is junior high school.
The reasons why they don't (can't)  look for jobs ↓
 1. because they couldn't find job although they seeked
 2.there are no offer of jobs which they want to work
3because they don't have confidence for their abilities
and so on...